A) Legitimate High Gods=Allahs=Buddhas=Creators=Bathalas & else names in all Heavens;
1) Holy Ghost=Comforter=Power=Supreme God=Allah=Buddha=Else Names in command
2) Holy Father=Commander=2nd God=Allah in command & Who knows All.
3) Holy Son=Lamb=3rd Lord God=Allah in command & Author of Alpha,Omega & All.
4) Holy Word=Vervo=4th Lord God=Allah in Command & Creator of Alpha, Heavens, Planets,Things, Beasts, Demons, Querubims, Humans, Aliens,Animals, Fowls, Fishes, Insects, Seen & unSeen Beings & Omega
5) Michael=Abel=Angel Mind=5th Allah of Obedience & Keeper of the Tree of Life.
6) Serpent=Cain=Devil Mind=Beelzebub=Lucifer=Satan=Great Dragon=6th Allah of Transgression & Keeper of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil
7) Son Of Man=7th Lord God=Begotten Angel of the Holy Word, Holy Ghost's Baptizer, Savior & Lord of Muslim Jew Jesus the Carpenter
B) Illegitimate Fabricated Lower Dead Human Gods=Allahs=Buddhas=Creators=Bathalas
from Earth;
7) Moises=Judaism God, a Muslim Jew & author of five books of Old Testaments
8) Jesus of Nazareth=Roman Catholic Muslim Jew King & God;same of their
by products=Protestant, Jehovah Witness, El Shaddai, Iglesia, Born Again and else;
Note: Three identities=3 birthdays celebration of Jesus of w/c was w/c is true;coz,
d-scripture indicated, he was born summer, after harvesting period.
1) Jesus of Nazareth on December 25
2) Black Nazarene on January 9
3) Sto. Nino on January 18
9) Maria & Joseph= Parent of Jesus of Nazareth
10) St.Peter=Simon=whom d-Lord'sChrist called Satan.Matthew16:23 for Peter was an
offence to Jesus. coz Peter savourest not d-things of God but of Men.And
oath not to denie d-Lord'sChrist but did it thrice. Matthew 26:34-35-73-75.
For Peter really didn't know d-Lord God that often uttered at the mouth of
Jesus of Nazareth, and it's Pilate,Peter,Pablo & else who had gone to declare Jesus
as dead human Jew King & God; proliferated it such and profited $billions of wealth
in the entire world till now.
11) St.Judas Iscariote=whom Jesus love most;because of him d-Son of Man was
revealed & Lord God was finally glorified, after hanging remained wt d-Lord'sChrist.
John 21:7-20-25 Judas Iscariote was the author & writer of dNew Testament
12) St.Valentine=God of Love and Sex
13) St.Vice=God of Problems and Sickness
14) St.Necromancer=God of Prediction,thru Sorcery & Communication wt the Dead
spirits & Demons,liken to Jesus,Mohammad,Morpheus,Buddha,Family members &
anyone whose dead
15) St.Wizard=God of Magic & Witchcraft
16) St.Charmer=God of Occult Power & Enchant to allure Luck
17) St.Consulter wt Familiar Spirits=God wt demons advice, a witch aide; an intimate
18) Mohammad=Arab Islam God=Allah
19) Siddharta Gautama=Buddha God
20) Hinduism,Socialism & Communism=Their Systems as their God
21) Dictatorship=Himself as God
22) Paganism=Heathen as their God
23) Dr.Jose Rizal=God of Rizalistas
24) Hypnos & Morpheus=Both God of Sleep & Dreams
25) Atropos,Clotho & Lachesis=3 Goddesses of Destiny
26) Bacchus=God of Wine
27) Athenian Statesman Draco=God of extremely harsh & severe laws
28) Usurer=God of excessive interest loan
29) Tikbalang and Kapre=Beasts= God of Tobacco Fire and Smoke
30) Fire,Wind,Lightning,Earthquake,Earth,Moon,Stars,U.F.O.,Beasts,Animals,Fowls,
Insects,Creepers,Sea Monsters,Seen & Unseen Spirits.
31) St.Witch=Goddess of Magic and Devil Dealer
32) St.Divinator=God of future foretelling,observer of times, seeker of devil & ghost
knowledge thru hunch and intuition.
33) Else dead human Saints,Artist,Heroes,Politicians and Things
Warning! Don't you ever compare and bow to serve all human fabricated Gods,Kings,
Queens,Lords,Prince,Princess & Else from Earth,to high Gods from Heaven, coz it's
blasphemy against them= the legitimate High Gods.
Rolly A.Beltran
Comforter Servant