Tuesday, March 20, 2012

U.S.Pres.Obama-2013 to 2023,WW111 Nuke Dangerous Yrs

                 For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world=power=influence=
fame=money=wealth=richness.BEHOLD! Ten yrs=Nuke dangerous yrs
Revelation 14:7 The Angel said;
                 Fear God=HolyWord=Son of Man,and give glory to him; for the hour of his
judgment is come:and worship him that made Heaven,Earth,Sea and the fountains of waters.

Proverbs 13:13 Lord God uttereth thru the mouth of King Solomon and said;
               Whoso despiseth the HolyWord shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the
commandment shall be rewarded.
Proverbs 1:7-16-19 HolyWord uttereth thru the mouth of King Soloman and said;
                The fear of the Lord God=3rd God in command,is the beginning of knowledge:
but fools despise wisdom and instruction.For their feet run to evil and make haste to shed
blood.So are ways of everyone greedy of gain;w/c taketh away the life of the owners
Proverbs 15:11 & 21:3 &11:4-7 HolyWord uttereth thru the mouth of King Solomon &said;
                Hell and destruction are before the Lord God: how much more then the hearts
of the children of men.To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than
sacrifice.Riches profit not in the day of wrath:but righteousness delivereth from death.
When a wicked man dieth,his expectation shall perish: & the hope of unjust men perisheth.

Mark 8:34-37 Lord God uttereth thru the mouth of Jesus;
               Whosoever will come after me,let him deny=divorce himself,of course of all
Gods creations and ownership;usually stolen and coveth by all deceived sinners,& take
up his cross=commitment,loyalty,being faithful,obedient and grateful, and follow me,
to spiritual Laws of Heaven.
                 For what shall it profit a man,if he shall gain the whole world=richness wisely,
and lose his own soul=spirit life to Satan. Or what shall a man give in exchange for his
own soul, if in this world he owns nothing, coz the Four Gods owns all.
                 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall  lose his life
for my sake,of the Lord God and not of jesus of nazareth ,coz,his already dead,whom
the Lord created & had taken controlled and possessed for 3 yrs,then left him in his
material drama of life.
                 Whosoever be ashamed of me,your Lord God=,3rd God in command,& of my
word in this adulterous & sinful generation;of him also shall the Son of Man=HolyWord,
4th God in command,be ashamed,when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy

Matthew 9:6 & Luke 9:56 Lord God uttereth thru the mouth of Jesus;
               About the Son of Man=4th God=HolyWord: But that you may know that the
Son of Man hath power on Earth to forgive Sins.
               For the Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives,but to save them.
Matthew 12:31-32 Lord God uttereth thru the mouth of Jesus;
               All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men:but the blasphemy
against the HolyGhost=SupremeGod=Comforter shall not be forgiven unto men
               And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of Man=HolyWord, it shall be
forgiven him:but whosoever speaketh against the HolyGhost=SupremeGod, it shall not be
forgiven him,neither in this world,neither in the world to come.

Note; a) Earth sin on Earth moral and legal laws shall be forgiven exclusively only by men.
          b) Heaven sin committed by men shall be forgiven by the Son of Man=HolyWord.
          c) HolyGhost=Comforter had already come last February 15,1920 in tondo,Mla.
              Phils,Earth via Heaven.Due to witnessW.W.III destruction near soon,mission to
              gather,save and resurrect the 144000 elects,chosen for the HolyLamb's nuptial.
              After that,Lord God will take over and reign a thousand years with the elect's,
              144000 chosen;and Satan shall be cast into bottom-less pit,shut up and sealed,
              that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be ful-
              filled,and when the thousand years have expired,Satan shall be loosed out of
              prison to deceive again the nations w/c are in the four quarters of the earth,Gog
              & Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand
              of the sea. All will vanish & be devoured by heavens fire of God & the devil
              will be cast into lake of fire & brimstone where the beast & false prophets
              are and will be tormented day & night forever and ever near soon.

Revelation 14:8-9-10, The Angel said;
               Babylon is fallen,fallen, that great city of Israel,Iran,Syria,Great Britain,France,
Europe,Russian Federation,entire America,Asia,Middle East,Africa,Australia & all cities
of sin, liken to Great Babylon,that great Vatican city,because she made all nations drink
of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
               If any man worship the Beast=Leaders=Preachers of this great cities=churches,
and his image and receive his mark in his forehead,or in his hand,The same shall drink of
the wine of the wrath of God,w/c is poured out w/o mixture into the cup of his indignation;
will be tormented wt fire & brimstone in the presence of the holy angels & the Holy Lamb.

Note;  Ever since humans were created wars were ways of Lord God, Holy Word and
the Serpent; And it's well done, a vintage war of old ages, unlike now, a modern World
War 1, took only 4 yrs, between.1914-1918, while World War 11, 21 yrs gap and peace,
took 7 yrs, between 1939-1945, and comes super Nuclear WW111.The gap and limited
peace was 67 yrs; if you add 10 yrs more. It becomes 77=two holy numbers of the Gods;
its completion is 7777 of the four higher Gods.Unlike 6666=666 Beast plus 6=Satan.
           It will take only 500 Nuke heads if detonated by d-Beasts in detailed specific target
cities, then all are done.Amen
          The root of all these, Amalgamation of all Nations under the rule of the Holy Father.
Russian refuses it,same as all countries who have colonial occupying mentalities like Great
China and Malaysia to rule & obey before them, rather than submit to Four Higher Gods.
          The old Serpent,Satan, now a Great Red Dragon is behind dis-unity among nations
who favors one earth Gov't, rule by the United Nations Leaders under four Gods guidance;
wherein all Gods creation, ownership & wealth will be properly and equally distributed for
temporal use & consumption; for d-benefit of all inhabitants of this world,unlike now,only
the rich, famous & powerful nation can use & avail of all Gods wealth.
          Since Satan is against Amalgamation; Satan would take chance of these feared situation,directly controlling all deceived sinners from destruction and extinction to hell,and
ensure that even the Elect's,144000 chosen are well taken off ; And elevate himself to
greater higher God. Amen

Revelation 16:13-1 John the Divine said;
           I saw three unclean spirits frogs,come out of the mouth of the Dragon,out of the
mouth of the Beast,and out of the mouth of the FalseProphets of all cities in the world.
For they are the spirits of devils,working miracles,like what you all see & hear in the
T.V.,Radio,Cable & Internet.Yes they literally & materially heal all kinds of diseases,
but cannot heal your spiritual soul,now subject of judgment according to their works,
w/c go forth unto Kings=Leaders of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of
that great day of HolyGod=HolyWord Almighty.

Warning! HolyWord said; Behold, From now on we'll wait and see,who'll be triumphant.
            I come as a thief, Blessed is he that watcheth,& keepeth his garments=knowledge
of heaven, lest he walked naked=moron and they see his shame=innocence=ignorance.
And God gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armaged'don,
a last great decisive battle of right and wrong.
             And the 7th angel pour out his Vial=Nuclear Bombs into the air and there came a
great voice out of the temple of heaven,from the throne saying, it is done.And there were voices,thunders,lightnings and great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the
earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great.
             And the Great city=Vatican city was divided into three parts,and the cities of all
nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup
of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. Amen

Note: All intentionally made deadly weapons like Atomic Bomb,Nuclear Bomb & else
         were meant for all humans and else,for end's sake, so envy & fear not Russia,China,
         Korea,Malaysia and their enemies, but fear Lord God; for they shall all be destroyed
         and judged by the Lord according to their works.
                                                                                                       Rolly A.Beltran
                                                                                                     Comforter Servant

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