Thursday, April 21, 2011

The promised Land=Earth=Body=Eve=Woman

Genesis 3:1-16
When God created the parable earth called the human body=Eve=Woman, it was indeed
innocent and ignorant; and the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field that God
created, &convinced Eve to eat=use/bear the fruit=outcome of the tree=devil wisdom w/c
is in the midst of the garden/head,w/c were forbidden by God.The woman saw the tree=
devil wisdom good for food=use,pleasant & to be desired to make one wise,took the fruit
thereof & did eat=use,gave also Man=Adam & did eat=use.Their both eyes=minds were
opened,they knew their nakedness=innocence & ignorance,sewed fig leaves together &
made themselves aprons.This was the first sin of the Land called Woman, same with life
called Adam.And the three sinners,the Serpent,Eve and Adam were given punishment.
Since then all their offspring with the serpent's angel gone to sin and few were righteous.

Genesis 6:3-13 Separation
Lord said his spirit=wisdom shall not always strive with man=life,for that he also is flesh=
with literal wisdom; yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.There were giants/
lives in the earth=eve, and sons of God came in unto the daughters of men,bare children
& became mighty men w/c were old, men of renown.God saw the wickedness of man=
life was great on earth=body,that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only
evil continually,it repented the Lord that he had man on the earth and it grieved him at
his heart.and said i will destroy man=life whom i created from the face of the earth, both
man,beast,creeping thing and fowls of the air, the earth=body was also corrupt and filled
wt violence; for all flesh=literal words had corrupted his way upon the earth=body,the end
of all flesh is before me, i will destroy them with the earth and done it the second time as
punishment to spirit life and body offsprings.

Genesis 8:21-22The promised,so life can stay in peace wt the human body,to know him
Lord smelled sweet savour; and said in his heart, I will never again curse the ground any
more for man's sake; for the imagination of his heart is evil from his youth; neither will
again smite any more every thing living, as i have done.While the earth=body remaineth
seedtime and harvest,cold and heat,summer and winter,day and night shall not cease.

Genesis 9:1-17 Instruction
God blessed Noah and sons and said be fruitful,multiply and replenish the earth=body.
Of course wt foods to eat,jobs to earn,health ways to conquer ailment &wisdom not
only of earthly things but of heavenly matters & laws,in order to render thanks to higher
Gods,who created us all,and be saved of our innocence/ignorance of general concern.
Don't let self be deceived by false preacher awesome perception that God wants a
populous baby reproduction on earth.God valued life besaved more than your earthly
body needs,such as foods,money,clothes,lust,wealth,fame,authority,power & else.
He said;I do set my bow in the cloud as a token of a covenant between me and the
earth=body;that the earth shall not be destroy again, since then, there's peace on earth.

Genesis 11:6-8
Lord said:Lo,the people is one,they have all one language=literal wisdom,this they begin
to do;and nothing will be restrained them from them,which they imagined to do.Let us
confound their language that they may not understand each other's speech. So the Lord
scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all earth=body;and they left off to
build the city=temple of sin. The third punishment.

Genesis 12:1-4 The promised clean land=body,no vices,problem,sickness &sins.Full of
herbs yielding seed &fruit trees bearing seed 4human&green herbs 4beast,fowl,creeper
Lord said; Abraham ,get thee out of thy country,kindred and father's house,unto a land
that i will show thee. i will make thee a great nation ,bless you,make thy name great,and
be a blessing. Bless them which bless thee,and curse which curseth thee; and in thee all
families of the earth be blessed.Abram departed=all literal beliefs,with Lot as the Lord
had spoken.

Genesis 13;10-13
But men of Sodom and Gomorah were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly;
and it was well watered and the Lord destroyed them,but save all the righteous.
The fourth punishment.

Genesis 15:12-14 Affliction of the Land=Earth=Body foretold in Egypt=religious belief.
And when the sun was going down,a deep sleep fell upon Abram, and lo, an horror of
great darkness fell upon him.He said to Abram, thy seed shall be a stranger in the land
that is not theirs, and serve them, and shall afflict them four hundred years.That nation/
religion,whom they shall serve, will i judge,and afterward shall they come out with great
substance. These were the 12 tribes of Israel=Jacob.The fifth punishment.

Note: Lord God wants clean body=earth=woman=eve=land or whatever your body name
was, its w/o vices,devil record,diseases,bad manner and fatal habits, that will encourage
and convince life=adam=man=heaven to fall to a dangerous trap to hell,while they're joined
                                                                                                 Rolly A.Beltran
                                                                                                Comforter Servant

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