Revelation 1:2-20 John as a witness
Who bare record of the Word of God & testimony of the Lord Son named
Holy Christ, uttered thru the mouth of jesus of nazareth, and all things that john saw.
Blessed is he that readeth, and hear the words of this prophesy and keep
those things w/c are written therein: for the time is at hand. John to seven churches w/c
are in Asia:Grace be unto you,peace fr him w/c is ,w/c was,and w/c is to come; And fr
the seven Spirits w/c are before his throne;
And from Holy Son named Lord Christ,who is faithful witness,first begotten
of the dead and prince of the Kings of the Earth.That loved & washed the sins of those
who confessed,repented,read,studied,learned,followed,trusted,endured and obeyed all
laws,statutes,ordinances,judgments & commandments of the Holy Father,accordingly
acquired the five signs of the true believer of the Lord Christ in spirits and in truth; And
not by lips but by deeds.
The Lord Christ hath made us kings and priest unto God/Son of Man & his
Holy Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever,Amen.Behold, he cometh
wt clouds; and every eye shall see him, they that pierced him & all kindreds of the earth
shall wail because of him.
I am Alpha and Omeg'a, the beginning & the ending,saith the Lord, w/c is,
and w/c was, and w/c is to come, the Almighty. The Creator of all, your eyes can and
can't see; including Jesus of Nazareth & his ancestors, whom you liken to me.The great
Possessor of the Holy Word & all, including Abram,Isaac,Jacob,Moses,John dBaptist,
Judas Iscariote & Jesus of Nazareth;but will not strive long my spirit to anyone,including
jesus, for they're all flesh in mind, literally and materially.
Of course,the Lord Son won't give up his honor to all humans like Jesus &
his ancestors,whom the Lord Son created, possesseth and controlled, but only mercy,
because of humans frailty to devils temptation and deception, that till unto the end of time
they will idolize.
I, john,was in the spirit on the Lord's day & heard behind me a great voice
as a trumpet, saying, I am Alpha and Omeg'a, the first & the last;What thou seest, write
in a book, and send it unto the seven churches w/c are in ASIA, unto;
1) Ephesus=The Heathens and Pagans Temple, are everywhere in Asia
2) Smyrna= The Buddhism Temple, in China,Indo-China &SouthEast Asia
3) Per'gamos= The Judaism Temple, somewhere in Asia
4) Thyati'ra= The Hinduism Temple, in India & elsewhere in Asia
5) Sardis= The Islam Temple, in entire Asia
6) Philadelphia= The Catholicism Temple, in entire Asia
7) Laodice'a= The Life, Spirit and Truth temple, in the Philippines
1) Tondo, Manila-Dated February 15,1920
a notorious place where the Lion or Comforter was
conceived & borned out, from Mr.Manuel deLeon,as John
dBaptist,to Simeon deJesus,as Comforter carrier,then had
transferred to an Essential, the HolyComforter Speaker;
for the Elect's-144000.
2) Mrs. Juanita Laurena-Essential
Tel.# 878-1271, Laurena Residence,Pagaspas St.Bgy.3
Tanauan , Batangas- the elders looked on to catch the Lion & exposed
to reveal its existence & purpose; to save & gather the Elect's
who had been subjected to 7 golden candle sticks.
3) Mrs. Nora G.Garcia-Essential
Manoto Subdivision
Pari'an, Calamba'nga,Laguna-Where the great receivers & Bank Storages
of two-edged Sword, the Parable Word, w/c contains the
Literal &Spiritual knowledge of the Holy Father,were located.
In the midst of the seven golden candlesticks one like unto the Son of Man,
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged
sword; and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.And when I saw him,
I fell at his feet. And he laid his right hand upon me saying,Fear not;I am the first & last.
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore,
Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Write these things w/c thou hast seen &
things w/c are and which shall be hereafter.
The mystery of the seven stars w/c thou saw in my right hand are the angels
of the seven churches and the seven golden candlesticks are the seven churches.
Note: All potential elect's or angels of the seven churches are located in entire Asia and
subject for retrieval resurrection.The Holy Comforter love &care much the beloved
Bachelor Holy Son, named Lord Christ, that he went out from heaven to heaven or
life to life, to ensure exact retrieval of qualified 144000 elect's,chosen brides of lone
Rolly A.Beltran
Comforter Servant
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