Book of King James;
Genesis 1:26-27 And God=Holy Word said to higher Gods:
Let us make Man=Life in our image=spirit,after our likeness=w/t mind: and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea,over fowl of the air,over the cattle,over all
the earth,over creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth=all body of life being.
So God=HolyWord=Son of Man created man in his own image,in the image of
God created he him; male and female created he them.Spirit Man=Human Life.First one.
Genesis 2:7-18-25 Lord God=Allah, not unborn jesus of nazareth,created w/t God,said:
LordGod formed,a material creation,Man of the dust of the ground=Human Body.
Second one and breathed into his nostril the breath of Life,and Man became a living Soul=
Human Being.
It is not good that the Man=Life=Adam should be alone;I will make him an help
meet for him.Out of the ground the Lord formed every beast in the field,fowl in the air;
& brought them to Adam to see what he would call them,same with every living creature.
But for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.A deep sleep befall upon Adam,
and slept:the Lord took 1 of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof;And the rib,
w/c the Lord had taken from man,made he a woman=eve, and brought her unto man.
Adam said,this is now bone of my bones, & flesh of my flesh: she shall be called
Woman=Eve=Body,because she was taken out of Man.
Therefore shall a Man=life=adam,leave his Father&Mother=Creators HolyWord
&HolySon=Lord Allah,not unborn Jesus of Nazareth,& shall cleave unto his wife=woman=
eve=body: and they shall be one flesh with bones, of course with one life also.
And they were both naked=innocent & ignorant,the husband=Man=Life=Adam
and the wife=Woman=Body=Eve, and were not ashamed.Of course,newly both creation.
Note; 1} Spirit creation of Adam:
The Man w/c was Adam=Life,was indeed composed of 50% male & 50% female
spirit form,in other words,Adam was indeed Even or Silahis when first created
spiritually by the Gods. In the image and likeness of God=HolyWord created he
him=Adam.So it's well perfectly done,for all the FourGods were perfect creators,
named Holy Word, Holy Son, Holy Father & Holy Ghost. If supposed Adam was
created spiritually w/t 80% male & 20% female composition,Adam would had been
a macho man spiritually,but if,created spiritually w/t 20% male & 80% female,
composition then Adam was a gay man spiritually.So if Adam abode upon his body
w/t even, less or more spirit composition,you will note differences of his person.
And what's wrong with human's opinion, if Adam was a macho,gay or even, & if
Eve was a lady, lesbian or even, doesn't really matter to the four Gods.Look up,
Jesus was even=silahis,while both Lord Allah and Son of Man were straight spirits.
2] Spirit & Material creation of Eve: were dependent upon Adam, for Life, breath
of Life,same w/t ribs,bones & flesh were exacted and taken out of Adam,so much
more of her spirit form percentage composition.So if Eve abode upon her body
with 50% female & 50% male spirit form composition,she's even or silahis, if 80%
female & 20% male, she's a lady, but if 20% female and 80% male,spirit form
composition then she's a lesbian.
Rolly A.Beltran
Comforter Servant
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