To all married couple whose trust to each other has been broken and wanting divorce,
to discuss this matter is of the holy scripture scrutiny. Under the old and new testament;
"King James version" allows divorce, sad to say; to those who disagree: it has the moral
and legal basis of the Law.
A] Book of Moises: Deuteronomy 24:1-3
When a man hath taken a wife, and married her,and it came to that she find
no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let her write
her a Bill of Divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house. And
when she is departed out his house, she may go and be another man's wife.
And if the latter husband hate her, and write her a bill of divorcement.
B] Book of Matthew 5:31 Holy Son spoke thru d-mouth of jesus;wt sermon on d-mount.
It has been said,whosoever shall put away his wife,let him give her a writing
of divorcement.
C) Book of Mark 10:6-9 Lord God emphasized the difference of Marriage & Creation
From the beginning.God made Man,named Adam created with male & female
spirit form composition,For this cause shall a man=life=adam leave his father and mother,
of course the Gods,who created him,& cleave=live to his wife,as temporal live-in partners.
And they twain=two shall be one flesh of human Eve and spirit Life of Adam,so then, they
are no more twain, but one flesh and one spirit.
What therefore God hath joined together=the Lord refers to Adams male and
female composition, same way to Eves male and female composition, let no man put
Note; It was very clear that there was no consummation of marriage,but creation
and joining of Adams male and female spiritual composition, so if Life form or Adam was
30% male and 70% female composition, Adam would be spiritually gay, but if 70% male
and 30% female composition, Adam would be spiritually lesbian.
The same with Eve,would be materially humanly gay & lesbian. So divorce
law won't apply to Adam and Eve, coz there's no marriage done, but temporal joining of
Life, which was Adam and Human body, which was Eve,as instructed by the Lord.
D)] Book of Matthew 5:17-18-19 Warning! The Holy Son spoke thru the mouth of jesus;
Do not think I have come to do away with the law of Moses & the teachings
of the Prophets.I have not come to do away with them,but to make their teachings come
Remember that as long as heaven and earth last,not the least point nor the
smallest detail of the Law will be done away with, not until the end of all things.So then,
whosoever disobeys even the least important of the commandments & teaches others to
do the same,will be least in the kingdom of heaven.
E) Book of Luke 16:17-18 Warning!
And it is easier for heaven=life & earth=body to pass,than one little of the
law to fail.Whosoever putteth away his wife,fail to file & acquire divorce paper releaseth;
and marrieth another,committeth adultery:&whosoever marrieth her that is put away from
her husband w/o divorce paper releaseth committeth adultery.
F) Book of Luke 14:1-14 Warning! of the Lord God=the bachelor Lamb.
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God=the Holy Word,believe
also in me,your Lord God,that speaketh thru the mouth of Jesus of Nazareth. If ye Love
me,your Lord God, the Lamb, keep my laws and commandments. File and acquire a
Divorce paper releaseth against your deceived spouse,sons,daughters,in laws,kins,friends, cohorts,vices,sins,richness,wealth,power,sickness and favor of me,your Lord God.
So the Lamb can marry you,all the Elect's in the end of World & have a new Heaven and
Earth with the Holy Father.
Rolly A. Beltran
Comforter Servant
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