Friday, January 28, 2011

The Garden of Eden=Head of Human Body

Book of Moses, Genesis 2:7-17
1) And the Lord God formed man=life of the dust of the ground,and breathed into his
 nostril the breath=power of life; and man=life became a living soul=spirit.
2) And the Lord planted a garden/head eastward in Eden and/or the human body; and
there he put the man=life whom he had formed=created.
3) And out of the ground=human body made the Lord God to grow every tree that is
pleasant to the sight, and that were the limbs,hands and feet,head, eyes, mouth
ears,hairs,anus,nose, & good for food=use; the tree of life=angel mind also in the midst
of the garden=body, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil=devil mind
4) A river=mouth went out of eden=body, to water the garden=head;& from thence it
was parted, and became into four heads=lines source.
5)The name of the first is Pison: that is it compasseth the whole land of Hav'ilah, that is,
once you eat and drink, from mouth, entestines,liver,other organs and valve of semen
and urine production towards its disposal of yours, you know; where there is gold.
The gold=valve content in that land is good,there is bdellium=semen &onyx stone=urine.
6) The name of the second river=line vein, is Gi'hon=Nose: the same is it compasseth
the whole of Ethiopia=Eyes.Note: when you cough hard, your nose bleeds mucus,
same with your eyes, it disposes water.
7) And the name of the third river=line vein, is Hid'dekel=Sweat glands: that is it goeth
toward the east of Assyria= that is from head to foot, you'll sweat.
8) And the fourth river is Euprha'tes=Anus, you dispose the garbage, not needed by
the body.
9) And the Lord God took the man=life ,and put him into the garden=head, to dress
and to keep it.
10)And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden, thou
mayest freely eat. But of the tree of knowlegde of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die.
Note: The limited freewill, entrusted unto man was at hand since creation.Now you see,
how beautiful and creative our body organs works.If you doubt truth, then try to read
the world map and relate to put them together literally.

                                                                                                        Rolly A. Beltran
                                                                                                       Comforter Servant

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