Book of Moses-Gen.1:27-28
So god created man unto his image,in the image of god created he him;male and female
created he them.And god blessed them,and God said to them,Be fruitful and multiply,and
replenish the earth,and subdue it:and have dominion over the fish,fowl,and every living
thing that moved upon earth.
A)How could Adam-the only Man,created with 50% male and 50% female composition,
and with the image of God, be fruitful"spiritually",multiply"life for life", since Adam was
spirit form, replenish=provide food & subdue=control the earth=all body of life being;
if Adam was all alone. Literally and materially Adam cannot.Ask the church hierarchy,
and others; if they can? Of course they cannot! if then; so RH Bill should be passed to
prevent over population,disease,agony of unwanted being and etc.So since the image of
God was spirit form; Adam's image was also spirit form w/c was Life,w/t male& female
composition and do you think! Adam w/c was Life form can have dominion literally and
materially over sharks,piranha,octopus,dragons,snakes,tarantula &etc,subdue all of them
with no arms.Yes,maybe in spiritual concept; possible for life's abode in all of them;but
not literally material.
B)St. John 6:63
It is Spirit that quickeneth=give life; the Flesh profiteth nothing: the words that
I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are Life. So it's very clear that God wants life,
which was Adam, God value much Adams fate than Eves fate and not the proliferations
of Eve=Human Body as asserted by the Church,and others.We're six billion more than,
over populated. United Nation leaders should put a stop on population explosion,instead;
initiate to deliver and divide all earths wealth and richness to all inhabitants of the earth,as
intended temporal by d4Gods.Since dGods owned & value all creation,unlike humans.
Book of Moises Gen.2:2 And on the seventh day god ended his work w/c he had made:
rested on the seventh day from all his work w/c he had made.
Note:Adam was left alone with herb & tree fruit,bearing & yielding seed for his meat;to
think how to obey the two instruction of God, solely handed to him, while Eve was not yet
created.Can you? co'z God already rested and stopped.Will the Holy Lord Christ interfere
for help? Wait and see!Read the scripture. Just remember, it was spiritual and not material
instruction to life form named Adam.
Rolly A. Beltran
Comforter Servant
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